Understanding The Signs And Types of Stroke


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Mechanics Of Stroke

As per the National Stroke Association, stroke is the number 5 leading cause of death among the majority of adults in America. It is also one of the leading causes of disability. However, since people are not aware of the common symptoms of stroke, treatment is usually delayed.

Our heart beats approximately 100,000 times daily, and each beat is in conjunction with blood that is pumped out from the heart. This nutrient and oxygen-filled blood goes through a system of vessels to all the cells in our body. That is the normal mechanism. When something goes wrong, like a blockage in a vessel, it stops the normal blood circulation to that particular area, and when this occurs to the heart, it is referred to as a heart attack. When this occurs to the brain, on the other hand, it is referred to as a brain attack or stroke.


Recognizing The Signs Of Stroke

There are definitive symptoms of stroke that you should watch out for. If you think you may be experiencing one, these symptoms occur suddenly and may include:

  • Numbness and drooping on one side of the face
  • Difficulty understanding or talking
  • Difficulty maintaining balance
  • Trouble walking normally
  • Numbness or paralysis on one side of the body
  • Severe headaches
  • Abnormal vision on one or both eyes

It is essential to be aware that stroke symptoms are not typically associated with any pain, which is why you may ignore them. It might be too late to realize that you are facing a critical condition that needs immediate medical attention.

Source: stack.com


Types Of Stroke

  • Transient Ischemic Attack. TIA is synonymous to ischemic stroke, as these two types are both a result of a blood clot. However, TIA is self-limiting, meaning that the clot disperses by itself and all symptoms diminish within 24 hours. Although TIA is not officially categorized as a true stroke, it should seriously be attended to. Experiencing its symptoms signals one that his chances of suffering from a stroke are quite high. This is because surveys show that one of three individuals who experiences TIA eventually suffers from an ischemic attack within a year. Frequently, stroke occurs days or weeks after the occurrence of TIA
  • Hemorrhagic Stroke. Brain rupture secondary to weak blood vessels is the usual result of a hemorrhagic stroke. It is the least common form yet it is the most dangerous. It represents 15 percent of stroke cases and about 40 percent of stroke deaths. The medical team must stop any seizure, brain swelling or bleeding. If this is not done soon, surgery is required to fix the bleeding vessels.
  • Ischemic Stroke. This happens when a blood clot blocks an artery or vein in the brain. The most common kind of stroke, ischemic stroke accounts for 87percent of cases. Medications must be administered to the patient within four hours, as this type of stroke is time-sensitive.
Source: commons.wikimedia.org

Understanding The Signs And Types of Stroke  

When To Visit Your Physician

Whatever type of stroke you or someone you know is experiencing, you need to seek immediate medical attention. As per the American Stroke Association, approximately 2 million brain cells die from lack of nutrients and oxygen when the brain is deprived of blood for one minute. This damages the different functions of the brain, including those that are vital to everyday life, such as walking and speaking.

If you are at high risk for having a stroke, it is to your advantage if you are able to recognize its symptoms, the type of stroke you may have, and what steps you can take to make things easier for you. It might be cliché, but yes, truly it is better to be safe than sorry.